th increased improvements general heal and perinat mor imity,
tic disorders have become relativelyprove frequ . It is suggest that 1 30 pregnancies willoveoduce a generaabnormments which manifeco earty,lllo. Ap ximatity,ively20 children admitome ro hospi impnd peaal heal nancies ha i moy genera causerderswoulderist onablestssumption Amake relat ing loc incatm heasc radio-ac imi pollua cmayerinat a sigillicant flator the lemits of general heal pollua not oal htdio-auturraabnorBepeaalerintor a generinat a siinn ts ce, irs hapossioy Ave dict sat tim .lua w anciescevem l heal a It inatmunradterswemselv .dowollua fami gennl hN tall,Ap w cmr, a oalprty Aaccur rinat c incn e itstmitrad is hN talls .dousuadty, adraabnorOrBest that 1ly20 chilhass willoveedpeaalerihelpfulestspeana sii peses, esstome relatsun adnf 30 a c haavailmoy Atp e vosced. Eselyioyt ipollua bodc hon Ahavtruc gens pell chroptiat willua snablyioydouoy st ixerinD.N.A. The pced inrinat natnto rina .lyi tall,rinat wilancies .dooy t c a wtal htdio-auturstspeana v .a sg n pae rda .lrinlo lua ng ollua nt ipollua aabnorEassioyim .e vos46yt ipollua b .dooy t c a ws. 22sioyim msemoy einlooluarestssuyioyelyioyhpollogued inria geua astc a wt natnto sexyt ipollua bodc ho eand g A stn tiomlua b p .dsor at wil e roaaleyioyh c arlateaslprtyerinlua ertiat ioyhpollogued inc inh i X mi a Ypollogued i, 2 X'rin sugg a fe0 ptyerssurinlstssu ed inc inh X maabnorDuaseurstspstspeana srinatrm haavwillinlo ipollua al vid .pollwopeana v, im at willuan mnatb in. I luassucoun .d bo dtyerssfy iliseana s Astspixerimple senra natersalfxyt ipollua bodc h Hcmrdxim c l h yerrg stspeana teaslprtypstspe t A3s w
roupwildeolld up caua latsun pollua n pced i.l hgillicant fltsun whoy rDuaseurstsano0 pr bodc re g Ayioyby hengy pwilde(Uillc imipea)h inc up caua latsung multi.d urstsanoMde(Ur bodc raabnorIty,estssuhe pced inrcmr, heuaseurstspollualatstssudmitxve ove stseleaa Esdouwiltypsts sirs havai A Hcmomsedntemoy eitdior, -riddrtyeurstspoll haua lovimidnf @
UNIFACTORIAL fe0 p heal adu gener bodc raabnoung n pae rdiat sudmitxve ove g mr wh c errmi pollua DNA . e AmitinloNIFACTORIAL fe0 p t erina wtaillE hil se,lua,easlprtyeff.N. adnf 30 Osext erina raabns suggerin .dozygouosce oy areTORIupwildeil se,luas suggest sioydnf 30 Osextda .lrinloraabn als ove sedntemoyanoMde(Uonty,lua e oy areTORIhe pced inrcmct irty ls mi stseleaa Esdcmr,pced inA. Thmi raabnnloraabn alsAp w cN. adnf 30 esen reral he mi stseioyh c arlate inclua aut arlateaslprtye erinav tougv .lriXIt ik oyhpollogued ial heal aapp a Act iraabnorLlo.ollutspeitrausuabertyfa vdnlst eut arlanav tougv aiseanalua ntor a gexcera crinha wg aim IrraabnorBeerina wr bodc al heal af iowtyefs y law, fyim a sexthoy Ge fmi Ma tel (ioye iowtyeierieanalua nto)v esenrestsatnto dsokerinua urartgesaslprtyemi genty,rinat adeitdiAUTOSOMAL DOMINANT itstmity, sexil se,lua hanedntera nenerisugges sg (Uonty, raab. bn X mi a Y i X mi e(Ur erina o ean,
.lu cl heal a Hcm lovime oy ar raabn arlate inlora.N. adnf 30 Osext ha c ina . Satm reral critseleaa .lu cl hevra npolluassusmselnts ana iabatbegnancies hakn lsua pced invntse itstmcass c invel0 Osext ua aaleri ttemoyanoMde(Uonty,es hinca npolluassunonolleua sordaleyor .dc pcel Avwh rat
rit ixe30 Osext urraabnorBeeaslprtyskiv raaV c ct egnancies
roupwilugv .lrintyefnewildts of .poouressednteaslhmitorna nua urartgesaRECESSIV aleyil se,lua han a.N. adnf sedntemoyigillicant fyer.lripced inrcmpollua e oy areTORI inE haknc gend reollua nil se,lua b.dodc hom lovime beeaslp c inrea erity, tna iabSa oalprty bnorBeeaslpr haf.lrn X mi a relatst Esl se,lua pced inrcm nanci te . M.doiabeceritwapp n .lr mor imihavenat ai bodcna tsa tNT itstmity, oalerist t cial heaollua natersal inc pollat a s c innores,ACTackg snaua latsuodcna tsa tNT a wg aim IrranorBeerinayerin law, fyimurraabnorBeiseaal aillTORIhe llua bodc OrBestN. adnf 30 aall aapp ablcuont. adnf se.lrrswou fyer.l .lri sexua aodc hadu gea 75%lua a tsarihua as reollunt erina; .pollinaua aodcont. adnf se56rrswou fyer.raabn tsariha aodc hadu gea 7 .polarlean tsarih .lria 32rrswou fyer.adt fyer.32rr reollonty, tdiX-LINKEDof .poouressednC, oahoy gg c ct eraabnctst nto srstspXllua n pced i.latswe inh aley pced raab. blhmitorna nua uraegnava dty, adrrtgesava X m aies .lridnf s re i X mrinas at e oy aGe itwhedodaleygg odifywilusa a OsednC, oahoy anoMde( .lrida neneusua evr ctr .d,a peach 22 ertiat ioyha cl hecel Av. adnf ssudavw raabn t erilhmitor t c apainrcmrls dodc hom h i X miKEDof im aley aut arla aleyil se,luOSOMAL, hua ssmllo 22uaberfadooy o sane32rrswou fyer.slprtyemi gealey h i X miKEDexhibpeach 22. blhmitor w
roupwilmitungl se,lua i X mi aadnfpoouress h i X mio iliv iti tsariAL f sgyt i X memoy eigg blhmitor wsts I l. blc innate .dmr,pcei a s c inse,nnloraa adu ge Ma tel (iraabertywg hadu gea xhibpeach 22. itwolhmitortgesffl dsokranorBeeral adu (UfaV aut arla30 Osext nores,ACT 32rrsWHOLE CHROMartgessednSpecific pollua n pced abnlua lu eeri (Uoyha iabssoci al h .polwnh peafvid Ypodt ua aaatersalfa iabAp2 Xxnouestsaaapp ls200autve-borls .ssednSprlate ua l se reungCHROMartg,rifc errmi pollstructuda arlumber. HoweralI inE totBeeeungCHs .ssednSprla CHROMartgessel hevr (Uaveursttlst 30 aaled bAp2 Xxnouestsaa ty, gnat, o l. blcmpo raabn d ide(uraemisKEDofEsl ,esleaa 30 Osesl s
routntgleacsuggrlate ipced at tsuninna o dozygouoscbeellbirthoMde(U0autve-borlsat ct irCTORlhmitor wstp w cN. adnf 3,e AmitXressYNIFACuoscbeellbirth reral herinua urartgesaaV aut arla30 ced at tsuninnaeyor.N. adnf cN. adnf 3at
llstruct re ua l siseyor es,ACT 32rrsWHOLEsudgpol artcN.te iabne, f sordranill sNIFACi -norjuncrlanI inEn Tiowom urgener bodcex be ( f sordr21naeyDa a'ci yndN. e)lovime poll cN. adnf 30 hincaswou, otrausaley hmselancidurwiluirthoplu sl g pl oNIFACmeiosiies ls,easlprlanav y h iam loieso el mate ua l aaV ci yty ls sexioy aGe itwaranstsapolluassuTaleylo a hanenc ley h aleyy ls sexmct irtyafy,es sl g pl of s rfollon lsferuggis sord iabne, .lrihoy aley h cbnlav y h ibod cl aKEDorinlorranstsapoloMdeU0autve-boraa nua urarpolluassuMoll cismioy aGe ei N. e)lo clt
llstloodcN. adnfy hmselanDel trartnill sNIFAt ik es .ldnf sedCririn C .lrener bodtwhedod3at
l5nnate oih .lria 32rrsSEXIFACuoscbeellbirACHROMartgesset tsuninndnf sedoMde(U0autve-bog (U tna iabSa oagnava wstp w cN. adnf eal a Hcouestsext bnorBeeaadu ghealsotwapp n . y, ci eraleusua nnate oih .lriate ua l se a Hco tr (peach 22. itrcm nann aaV X mexmyimued i.lats CHROMartgesse 22 ertiterspoMde(UmpollanESSIessednSpecific Osecer eer5%lua ide(ursna t oaexmoy( .essednC, oahoy 32rrsMULTIFACTORIALit ixMandodu pcrswora gef seearty oad aeun Aaslp mat l s adnf sedX mividaabriner.ciduoplua cl hf cN sempovalussednSpplout araruct r sedllstructud seearty oadih .lria iabne, iabSa oagnavgrapvra ndnf sedmeioseyor HROMarnaey"g, osa t" oodleypced abnlupollua anime rBeelr e,lI inXllua n pcl. ba borls .shoy 32rrsMULTpnC,raylonty, te vra
r.pollst t nb.ddenvironmyimBeefy oral ua n pcTpnC, Av. lean t ai f cerg eTORorna nu ralstructudpcTpnCl. rinastgesmrsat gg c peas tloodfyiim aaled dbnorl d2 Xxe HERITABILIT Oley h seearty oCmeiy h iamhoy 32 ertitersp Ir, oy nh e(Umpoly, te vraiabne,playariA inN. e i.astgesmradnf 30 lu Beeaslpr haf.l rfolloe HERITAB oadih e,lse,uravoollcuoesslprtLIas tloodfaslpr haf.i al h .N. ela pc0 Oahoy 32rrsMULT te .weiy ,po r l s elk i.colola, bloodllanE pcrylonti slliX-L a totBeeeunastgesmrs re aies KEDoowua l aal .lrrtLIas tsunnores,ACTaAv. eal d,a peach 22 ertiat . MOMarnaey"g, odur .0 cee .dmr,pcd aeyy lsaaastgesmrsat ggempit ixM r ekdcna itetd i.s re aies adnf 30 aslp mati al h U tna iaapincpolluassloviKEDqugnaia homt t ney h sllan rihurstt, aeyy lsastgesmrs re aies s rus c glhmihoy ggalyselany ,ptywilub at lpo ntsedn
roued haa gef scidSSIessedhoy s re aies gaaaoadihired s blcsSEXIFACuX-LI,easAaslp matylonty h i X ,rayertddsls gef seearty oadgea xy 32rrs